After a long absence, we return to Anna Valerian and this look at Morrowind.
We start with some conversation with Jiub. Anna's gonna be honest about her origins though it would be hard to hear over ALL THE CHOMPING!!!
Here I do not recall what I chose so it is up to the player to decide. Based on Anna's skillset, one could argue she was a sellsword who got caught at the wrong place and the wrong time or made a mistake resulting in jail time.
In any case after what she has done for him, Julan would not hold anything against her.
Now to head into Baladas's tower.
Despite their appearance, the skeletons here are not hostile. That said, there are hostile critters abound so Anna keeps her weapon out.
The chests have random loot like this.
Here is a seemingly harmless Daedroth. It is not hostile so having a sword out may provoke it.
I'm watching you, scum...
Up here is Baladas himself. It is odd that a Telvanni lord lives away from their home region.
As you can see, he is not one to entertain guests. He does have opinions on Darius and Nerevar.
Along with opinion on tax-collectors. This may take some persuading.
He does own some skill-books nearby so Anna may as well go through them.
Hey, a book about Nothing. Interesting.
He does own some Telvanni Bug Musk as well. Hmm... I wonder.
Now that Anna has 'acquired' the Musk, time to try it out.
With that, he is open to suggestion. Here, Anna had told him this tax collector will leave him alone to his research.
For this playthrough, I will not be using the living singularity build.
He does have the most unique toys.
S-phere! Centurions in disguise!
Time to rescue a tax collector.
Here she is. A responsible orc locked up for collecting taxes from a Telvanni wizard. I can guess it is a common issue here.
Seeing as Baladas has authorised her release, there should be no problems with Ragash accompanying Anna out of the tower.
Bringing her out of the tower resolves the quest which allows Anna to report back to Darius for her next set of orders. This time, Anna has to find out about a conspiracy against the Emperor. I guess the Mythic Dawn had competition early on.
Asking around does not amount to much but this guy seems to know more than he lets on.
Due to an oversight, I forgot to show the dialogue that nets you entrance into this secret room in the barracks. Basically, Admire or Bribe the above person and he will give you a key to the secret room. Funny that cultists are so open with membership but then again, there are only two guys in the cult.
Gee, I wonder how long it will be until you actually tell me about your plans seeing as your buddy will not actually enter this interior.
The only thing of note is this small chest with a lock so pitiful it may as well be a broken padlock.
Inside is a note that was clearly not burnt that details their plans to murder the Emperor while directly naming one of the conspirators.
Why do I get the feeling these two bozos would probably trip on their own assassin blades during the actual assasination attempt?
Taking the note turns those two bozos hostile so Anna and Julan go to town on them.
Oh and that's another thing, they let Julan come down with Anna too!
(Writer note: Yes, I know this side quest would not take mods into account but this gives me more ways to mock these would-be assassins.)
So reporting back allows Anna to reveal the cult's plans. Calling it a conspiracy is a bit of a stretch seeing as it was literally two homicidal Talos fanboys but then again, other Legion soldiers may get into the fanboying cult out of boredom without noticing the cult's true goals.
With that done, Anna gets her promotion and the rest of her gear along with being free from the assignments of Fort Darius.
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I will say that the variety of fluff for the Imperial quests are neat though most quests turn into kill the designated target or retrieve the plot token whether it be a person, object or coin. As for the rather lacking rewards, I do agree with the implementation as the player character is a normal Legion soldier at this point rather than anything special.
Here is a quick recap on Anna's current stats.
Now for a quick chat with Julan. Here he wants to get our thoughts on Morrowind. The fourth answer seems appropriate for this Imperial lady.
Well, no answer on the mushroom but now to express her thoughts. So far, I would say Anna has acclimated well.
So, Julan is glad that an outlander enjoys being in Morrowind? This is curious.
This is a line of inquiry worth following.
That is not how I would phrase it but whatever floats Anna's boat.
Okay, that is a peculiar reverie. Also, looks like I forgot to save the screencap of what happens after.
Now to tell Ranis how we 'styled' on the necromance at Maar Gan. Started with a Stinger then Million Stabs, High Time, Helm Breaker and ended with a Dance Macabre. Triple S and all.
So her slip that we did her a great service all but confirms that the hit was a personal one and not a legitimate hit. Ajira has been right about Ranis being an undesirable employer.
Her next task is one to track a Telvanni spy. Right... I guess Anna can entertain her request.
Seeing as Vivec's is their main headquarters, Anna may as well head there first to start searching. A spy would go for the most valuable target.
Time to ask around.
This is interesting. Tiram here is quite defensive about it, insisting I check his credentials with Archmage Trebonius. Plus he states that Trebonius seems to listen to his advice. Hmm...
Okay, Archmage Trebonius says that Tiram has actual credentials and hands them over to Anna. Let us see if it clears up any suspicions off Tiram.
I will say this: This clears suspicions like how a plastic knife can cut out an inoperable tumor. The Telvanni forgers even got the name wrong yet Trebonius still falls for it despite knowing who Ocato is and being from the Imperial Province where Ocato has prominence.
I do like how this establishes and/or implies a couple of things:
- Despite Trebonius's rank, he is quite incompetent and foolish. This makes it seem that while he has actual talent in magic, actual leadership and management are skills that he sorely lacks;
- Despite Ranis being a vengeful and spite-driven person, she is competent enough to see actual sabotage and her paranoia has its merits due to the Guild's rivalry with the Telvanni; and
- For all of their posturing, House Telvanni are rather out of touch seeing as the forger responsible for Tiram's papers never bothered looking up the spelling of Ocato's name.
Talking to the guild guide confirms further that Trebonius is quite the fool. Cataloguing every plate and bottle in Vvardenfell is quite difficult without access to a creation kit.
Bringing the 'credentials' to Ranis nets Anna several decent rewards and another insult flung at Trebonius.
An alternate ending to this quest is to frame Ranis as the spy which technically allows the player to mete karmic justice against Ranis for pushing the player into murdering innocents. Though since this lets an active spy continue to sabotage the Mages' Guild even more than Trebonius, it may be better to get rid of the spy.
Probably the first valid point I have heard from Ranis in a while.
With exposing the spy, Anna has completed all of Ranis's tasks but due to not being built as a mage, she has not met the requirements for advancement.
I guess now is a good time as any to continue the pilgrimage. At least that is what I think I was doing here.
Joining me are my old friends, cliff racer and cliff racer. At least it ain't Cliffy B, whatever that means.
On the way to the Koal Caves, we find a lost pilgrim. Seeing as Anna is heading to the Koal Caves too, she may as well escort the guy.
Let us hope he does not die to random critters.
Several encounters later, we finally reach the entrance of Koal Cave.
For which our pilgrim friend is grateful for. He even provides some gold as a reward too. That is decent of him.
We can donate any dreugh wax at hand to receive the shrine's blessing.
Now to get Julan to wait here. Last thing I want is for him to drown while Anna explores the underwater caverns of Koal Cave.
The blessing here is pretty good. A decent buff to all armor skills.
While swimming around near coastlines or sea-facing bodies of water, players may want to keep an eye out for these giant shells.
Named Kollops. If you are lucky, they contain valuable pearls that sell for a nice price. Best part is that they are light-weight and all that swimming will train your Athletics skill.
Be careful when swimming around the caves though. The usual underwater critters live in here along with this particular dreugh. Full disclosure: I died here once.
The Dreugh Warlord is a unique enemy in the Koal Cave wherein killing it nets a unique bonus from the shrine when donating more dreugh wax after its death.
Dead bodies of adventurers lie all around the cave, either killed by the critters or from getting lost in these dark caves.
This is the bonus I was referring to. The Dreugh Cuirass.
While being average armor, the interesting part here is that any offer of dreugh wax from henceforth will net you a copy of the cuirass which can stack in the vanilla game. I am aware that this is an exploit but it is just a bit of fun.
Walking further from Koal Cave, Anna reaches Khuul. Tis a dull place.
So we head to Gnaar Mok.
Still dull. Time to go.
Hla Oad. I think Anna has a job here.
Right, Ra'Zhid. The Khajiit who is witholding Dwemer artifacts from Habasi.
Talking to the guy nets you nothing so look around. There are a bunch of chests in the room and a sneaky git like him would not risk keeping his loot out of site.
The chest is not marked and several other chests in here are locked so be careful when searching around.
Voila! Dwemer artifacts.
Confronting the git with the artifacts in possessions causes him to threaten you. Oh gosh... I am so scared... a single Khajiit thief against a fully armored Imperial with a magic sword...
What will Anna do...?
You should have quit while you were ahead. Now you're dead.
Time to explore the rest of the place.
Inside is the assortment of passively aggressive smugglers and this slaver.
Looks like he needs a delivery girl for his slave. Seeing as Anna may return to Balmora soon (and she may be able to liberate the slave on the way back), she may as well take the deal.
Hmm... That sounds fairly suspicious.
I am not sure why she would disclose this much information while next to her master but I guess the script did not account for this.
Turns out Rabinna here is a drug mule, carrying moon sugar in her stomach and will be gutted once we deliver her to Balmora. Anna however can assist her with escaping.
So, change of plans. We go to Ebonheart. It is an easier journey seeing as it is only a boat ride away.
A skill-book in the area.
As I said, a boat ride away.
This is Ebonheart, the seat of Imperial authority in Morrowind.
I imagine it ,along with many major cities in Morrowind, would be a lot bigger if it were not for engine limitations but seeing how things are in later Elder Scrolls games and Bethesda's Fallout games, I doubt Bethesda would actually try to make these cities up to scale.
Talking to a guard reveals that there is some unrest in the Imperial City. This particular plot thread ends up being negligible seeing as there was no actual unrest until Uriel's assassination and even then, life went on until the Oblivion gates started opening.
Bringing her into the Argonian missionary ends her journey with you. Hopefully, they will be able to get those drugs out and get her home.
Speaking to Im-Kilaya nets you a reward for a job well done.
Listed above are the destinations one can take from Ebonheart.
On the way back, Julan has another conversation with Anna.
That is a good question.
Just try to avoid piercings near the genitals. I would think the Velothi would have to try extremely hard to come up for some meaning for such a thing.
That is a good question, why do you care what your old tribe thinks?
Unless you live during a pandemic. Then, getting a haircut from parents may not be as embarassing.
With that out of the way, Anna returns to Habasi.
Habasi does grant some useful rewards and honestly aside from Dwemer coins, the weight of Dwemer artifacts makes the profit from selling said artifacts less cost effective.
Now for a new assigment, Anna needs to steal some alcohol from the manor of a deceased Hlaalu lord.
This ought to be simple but first, a detour.
In one of these rooms is this sword. It is a pretty useful sword for the early game with a nifty enchantment to boot.
The difficulty comes in stealing the sword but the Amulet of Shadows and a potion of chameleon may help fix that.
And there we go!
One could enter Hlaalo Manor from the locked front door but picking that front door is risky. Firstly, the lock is strong and second, the constantly patrolling guards and citizens may spot Anna fumbling with the locks.
So, why not ascend over these problems?
The lock here is weaker and guards are less likely to spot you (unless a guard's pathing causes them to walk up the stairs to this watchtower).
Here, Anna uses a spell to train her Alteration skill.
Inside is this servant girl. Most likely the murder spooked her a lot seeing as she is not calling guards to deal with an intruder.
In her room is this skill-book.
Side note, talking to Nileno in the Hlaalu Council Manor starts a side-quest you would normally get by being a member of House Hlaalu. This makes sense as while the quest would be part of House Hlaalu's questline, a gruesom murder of a nobleman in a prominent House would make said members open to outside aid, even if it is from an outlander.
Talking to the servant girl reveals that she did see the murderer and it was a Dunmer. Pretty compelling evidence and she even can describe the guy.
Here lies Ralen Hlaalo. Plenty of extravagant clothing though...
This is not in-character for Anna by the way but extravagant gear has high enchantment value. I, as a player, would not look a gift horse in the mouth.
Another exploit is that you can use Ralen's corpse as a container. Sick, yes, but useful.
On the shelves nearby is the Vintage Brandy itself.
Giving it to Habasi nets Anna 1000 drakes. Neat.
With this, Anna gets a promotion and a new job: Free New-Shoes Bragor from Pelagiad.
Instead of a jail-break where we sneak our way past guards, Habasi suggests blackmail. The more elegant solution.
Asking about the murderer's description in South Wall nets a positive ID. Apparently, a Dunmer at the Camonna Tong's Council Club matches their description.
Talking to said Dunmer has him point to an Argonian named Nine-Toes as the murderer while claiming the description is a mere coincidence.
Press "X" to doubt.
Velas here has the Dwemer axe the murderer was said to have used, matches the witness's description and has attempted to misdirect suspicions onto an Argonian that he already hates by default. So unless you lack actual thought, it is obvious who is the real murderer.
After killing Velas, Anna is free to sift throw his pockets. Most of it is armorer stuff though the axe can be sold off.
Now to leave him unclothed with shame.
This person seems important for later.
Now to check in with Caius seeing as Anna has some experience under her belt.
Of course, he will not discuss orders with Julan in the room.
With Julan out of the room, Caius gives Anna her latest mission. In order to get more intel on the Nerevarine cult and the Sixth House, he needs Anna to contact informants in the city of Vivec consisting of a smuggler, an assassin and a Temple priestess who may be in a spot of trouble with the Temple.
Here are Julan's thoughts on the current matters. Luckily as Caius noted, Mehra may be in trouble with the Temple which means she may not be that loyal to the Temple like her peers.
So, onward to the silt strider!
Arriving at Vivec, we can ask the caravanner about the city. Essentially, Vivec is divided up into cantons that act as districts with one being the Foreign Quarter for outlanders, one canton for the inactive Arena, three cantons dedicated the three Great Houses, two cantons for residences and a dedicated section for the Temple.
There is also the palace of Vivec where he actually lives in. Yes, imagine a god is a short walk away from your home. That would be a surreal experience to walk into the guy while buying groceries.
From this dim light, one can barely make out the shape of the cantons.
This is the size of the city. It is pretty big and can be confusing for first time players. As for me, I mostly know it like the back of my hand though I admit I have no memory of some places.
Asking about latest rumors reveals that there has been some recent murders in the city. Sounds like something for Anna to investigate.
Reader, meet the Ordinator. These are the fanatical guards of Vivec City, each with a set of the best medium armor in the vanilla game.
By the way, wearing the helm or cuirass of the Indoril armor set in front of a single Ordinator will set off a flag that makes every Ordinator hostile to you by default. As the armor is sacred to their order, seeing you wear enrages them to the point of homicide.
Due to my high Personality stat, they do not hate Anna that much. The same cannot be said for Julan.
So firstly, Anna first heads to the top of the Foreign Quarter to gather clues and rumors.
Looks like there is some competition going on.
That or failing businesses.
Passing by this guy nets you a leaflet. Sounds important.
Looks like it is general info about a shoddy alchemist. This may be worth looking into.
While we search for Caius's informants. Willing to cooperate, he says.
Looks like the locals are pretty spooked by the murders as well.
Visiting the down-on-his-luck smith nets Anna a side-quest. While it is not quite in-character for Anna to rob someone of their work even if the quest giver claims that the competition is 'shady', a reward can be tempting for the player.
Heading over to the other smith, Anna faces a locked door.
Nothing Ondusi's spell cannot deal with.
10,000 drakes just for iron and steel weapons? That is quite an extortionate amount for those kinds of weapons. Perhaps
I am unsure how Alusaron expects to make Ralen Tilvur fail to meet the contract's terms by stealing it unless Tilvur somehow needs the contract to remember the exact number of weapons to make and such a problem can be easily circumvented by writing the numbers down on another piece of parchment.
In a way, Anna is not ruining Tilvur's business seeing as all she is doing is stealing a piece of parchment signed by individuals who probably would have duplicates of the contract and that Tilvur would not be severely inconvenienced by the loss of the contract if he wrote down the amounts somewhere else. The only thing I can think of is that Tilvur would need to present the contract with the produced weapons to get his pay.
With that done, Alusaron nets us an enchanted axe. It is a pretty pathetic weapon, to be honest and would explain why he has no business. It is not because of 'shady' business from his competition, it is simply because he sucks as a blacksmith.
Go back to Hammerfell, you would do way better there as a blacksmith's apprentice.
Now to check on that alchemist. Let us see what kind of sham she is!
Bringing her the leaflet causes her to react accordingly. The twist however is that she is a legitmately good alchemist who is being defamed by libel. She requests that Anna investigates this further.
Another person to check up on is the enchanter who is losing business.
Looks like there is a prancing buffoon that is diverting business away. Anna is, of course, hired to get rid of the guy.
Before Anna does all this, it is time to meet one of the informants. According to Caius's notes, Huleeya the Argonian should be in this club.
Here is the problem: Huleeya is being pestered by racist Dunmer who refuse to let him leave for his friend's bookstore. He is fully capable of killing them but would rather not stain his honor by slaying morons and not cause trouble to the club's owner. So, we can either kill them on his behalf or we persuade them to leave Huleeya alone.
So Anna goes to talk with one of these fools. Not much progress.
As the reader can tell, these racists barely have enough IQ to realise how their fists would be useless against Huleeya's armor.
While your kind ought to return to the privy from where you were shat out from.
Raising their disposition causes them to relent on their racist harassments. Luckily for them, Anna would not want to dull her sword against such simpletons. A waste of money to re-sharpen the sword after all.
Now, we can escort Huleeya to Jobasha's Rare Books.
Once we make it there, Huleeya is free to discuss the Nerevarine cult though his knowledge of the Sixth House cult is lacking.
I accidentally placed the screencap with Huleeya's lines further down so impatient readers can simply headover to the wiki:
Talking to Julan here opens up the option to share skill-books with Julan, allowing him to raise his skills using skill-books.
Being a rare book seller, Jobasha has quite the selection of skill-books.
Useful indeed.
It is also a good place to buy books needed for side-quests as well.
Now that Huleeya's intel has been obtained, Anna can now deal with the prancing buffoon. Looks like he fancies himself an actor.
Asking him politely did not work but looks like he is looking for a theater troupe with vacancies. That is something to take note off.
So, it is time to hop over to another canton.
The Hlaalu canton, to be precise.
I have got to get a Night Eye accessory at some point.
On top of the Hlaalu canton is a note hidden in this large planter.
The note appears to be a love letter and a bad one at that. Commence ga-vomitting.
The note is close to the general goods merchant here so we can guess that it may belong to them. That or the other sellers in the area.
BEFORE THAT, we have someone to meet. Someone veterans would know off.
Reader, meet Crassius Curio.
He is a massive pervert. Also for younger Elder Scrolls fans, if you were wondering where in the world The Lusty Argonian Maid came from, it came from the deepest and dankest pits from Crassius's perverted brain. Plus he presents a solution to the buffoon.
The irony though is that for his perversions and horniness, Crassius is the one of the most honest and law-abiding Councilor of House Hlaalu aside from its Grandmaster, Duke Vedam Dren.
This is the guy to go to when getting lawful options to circument the orders of an excessively corrupt Hlaalu quest-giver. A pretty interesting aspect to Uncle Crassius.
Here is Huleeya's dialogue that I mentioned earlier.
Crassius's manor has a few more skill-books.
Returning briefly to the Foreign Quarter, we confront the person handing out the leaflet. Looks like another case of competition sabotage.
Back to Hlaalu, we return here for a reminder of what a terrible letter this is. You love this person so much that all you give is a discount on your goods. May as well say how she lights a small campfire in your loins, it has the same effect.
Taking pity on the poor sod, Anna offers to speak to his beloved for him.
Another skill-book, by the way.
Turns out she is quite the bitch and recommends her cousin instead. Poor sod. Terrible penmanship and has shit taste in women. Let us meet her cousin then.
She does not seem that bad, honestly. Sure, she has less income by comparison but at least she does not seem as snooty.
First things first, I ought to slap you for jumping on the date rape option as a response to rejection.
Glathel deserves a better man than you, honestly.
Good thing Anna can get the idiot to see reason. You are lucky Glathel wants a husband desperately.
Now we head over to the Redoran canton to meet another blacksmith who is down on his luck.
So, our job is to sabotage another person's business. Seeing as we helped ruin a Dunmer's business to help a useless Redguard, we may as well karmatically balance this out.
This cannot be good.
Now to check out the Telvanni canton and surprise, more business trouble! To be fair, this is more due to a bad rat infestation instead of some troublemaker.
Before dealing with this mess, Anna may step into the nearby watering hole.
In the Lizard's Head is this Nord. He seems eager to share his secret in return for a drink.
So after giving him said drink, this old Nord tells the tale of an old Nord pirate from the First Age who was buried somewhere in Vvardenfell and more significantly, give s Anna a key to said tomb. The tomb is hidden beneath an ancient Dunmer tomb though.
With that out of the way, Anna goes to see the enchanter plagued by the rat infestation. Seeing as she has dealt with one rat infestation back in Balmora, what's the harm in dealing with another one?
Time to get to work.
First, Anna may want to stock up on scrolls. This frenzy scroll may be useful someday.
I wonder if he meant for Anna to kill these rats in the back room and not in the main shop area.
Among his average stock is this valuable glass dagger. While the lightweight of the dagger and its value may make it worth the theft, it will be a long time before you can find a merchant with enough gold to buy it off you.
Killing those rats may have helped the enchanter out but looks like he wants to end the infestation so it looks like it's sewer spelunking time!
I should catch up with Mark Flavian soon...
Before heading down, we ought to read the Lusty Argonian Maid. I mean how bad could it be-
MOVING ON, we meet the person responsible for libel and she only offers us 100 drakes for our silence.
Pathetic. You deserve to lose business and that is before I consider the libel you have been spreading.
Rejecting her bribe causes her to despise you immensely and refuse service to you. It is probably all she can do seeing as she will be receiving a heavy fine for libel amidst her failing business.
Now to deal with that rat infestation.
I should have used a torch here.
I swear that there are rats here somewhere.
See, Anna killed them all.
His reward is a mere grand soul gem. Still, could be worse.
Now the infestation is dealt with, we shall find another of Caius's informants.
From this we can see that some of these side quests are repetitive in activity though the execution can vary while having some characterisation for the quest givers and even offering alternate solutions for certain quests that lead to alternate outcomes.
One of the better ones showcasing alternate outcomes happens to involve that general goods merchant whereby if you choose to actually aid the guy with his date-rape plan, it backfires horribly on him as he ends up stuck with an obsessive bitch of a wife that causes him to jack up his prices due to his undeserved grudge against you.
Here we meet this guy who claims to be a friend of Caius's informant. A rule of thumb is to never trust anyone who claims to be a friend of your friend until you actually ask your friend about that person.
Talking to people here about rumors reveals that a woman is concerned about her missing ne'er do-well husband. That sounds like something to look into.
Speaking to her confirms the rumors leading to her making the request to Anna to find said husband. Based on what we may need to do, we may as well take on the task.
Plus Addhiranirr may be somewhere down there too.
Out from one sewer and into another.
Under St. Olms is this shrine. Odd place for a shrine seeing as it is a brisk walk away from the living god of the city.
Night Eye will be extremely useful in illuminating the place.
Amidst the sewer passages is this corpus stalker.
To recap and/or explain, corpus is a particular kind of blight disease that has no cure once you receive the disease. The disease destroys the mind of the infected and deforms their body as the disease progresses while preventing the victim from dying of natural causes. Due to the lack of a cure, death would be a preferred solution for the infected as the alternatives are far worse.
Should the disease progress, an infected may end up turning into a corpus stalker, generally mindless and homicidal due to being in constant agony and may progress into a lame corpus as the disease progresses. Due to the immortality provided by the disease, the corpus creature will live on in their miserable state of existence until a skilled combatant slays one thereby putting the pitiful creature out of it's misery.
There is another result of being infected by corpus though but as it is part of the story, I may go into detail for that later.
Ten year old me was always creeped out by corpus stalkers.
Killing this creature reveals that it possesses a ring. Sadly, this appears to be Moroni's husband who may have gotten infected with corpus while he was slacking about in the sewers.
Moving on from that tragic outcome, we find Addhiranirr hiding in the sewers.
Turns out Anna was right to not divulge anything to that person from earlier. He was a tax collector looking for Addhiranirr to get taxes. Now while they have the lawful authority to collect taxes, especially from smugglers, Anna needs to get information from Addhiranirr.
So, Anna somehow would need to get rid of the tax collector.
Talking to other citizens in St. Olms confirms Addhiranirr's location if the player was not searching the sewers.
Here are Julan's thoughts on the matter. While he may not like smugglers, he also dislike the Empire's tax collectors.
So now, we go to meet the tax collector.
An alternative to this quest is to simply tell the guy where Addhiranirr is. This does not fail the quest as all the player needs to do is raise her disposition which would have been significantly lowered by your tattling.
Now that the tax collector has been diverted, Anna goes to deliver the bad news to Moroni.
At least she does not need to deal with further "what-ifs" now. Now that the worst has come to pass, she can try to move on and recover.
Back to Addhiranirr, she is now more than willing to speak about the Sixth House now that she no longer has a tax collector hounding her.
According to her, the Sixth House is active in smuggling, offering large rewards for smuggling their goods but the smugglers involved end up with a shift in their personalities. Something fishy is going on...
With this quote from Julan, we end this part of my look at Morrowind. The next part will have Anna meet Mehra Milo eventually to find out more about the Nerevarine cult and the Sixth House.
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