Friday, July 17, 2020

A Look at Deus Ex - Part 2

We now return to my look at Deus Ex. Last time, JC pacified most of Liberty Island non-lethally, rescued Agent Hermann and captured the NSF leader without killing or knocking him out. Oh, and he met Harley Filben.

Here is a mirror reflection of JC in front of a water fountain.

Good to know retinal technology learns to overcome the glasses issue for scanning purposes.

Onwards into UNATCO.

I guess they are allowing for limited tours of Liberty Island for tourists: Come see the anti-tourist bunker before stopping by the concession stand!

Level 1 of UNATCO. A few offices where off-duty UNATCO staff complete paperwork and chat around the water coolers.

Offices like this one. Locked as well.

This here is the office of Manderley, head of UNATCO.

P.S: I cannot believe that I did not spell-check Manderley's name every time I wrote his name...

Right here is a Nanokey.

For the various supply closets on this Level.

Meet Janice Reed, Manderley's secretary.

A quick look in a window would suffice but maybe Manderley's on a Skype meeting or whatever passes for a teleconferencing app?

Here's one of two ways to get JC's login and password during this level.

This datacube happens to have Manderley's password as well.

With the nanokey, we proceed to open up a supply closet.

With a locked panel... Hmm, to use a pick for a panel that may only have a multi-tool...

In here is a combat supply crate. I forgot what was in here.

Down the hall to left from Manderley's office (when coming out of said office) is a relatively empty office. Almost brand new.

Because it is new. It is JC's office. Neat and also, this is the second place to get the password in case Janice does not give you the password.

Time to login to the office PC. I do wonder how web-browsers in Deus Ex are like outside the e-mail screens.

Looks like JC's already got some e-mail. Basic orientation packages.

Now to see the PIC of UNATCO.

Formal as ever, JC.

Yeah, I cannot believe the guided tour does not have any - Right, you meant the terrorists.

Enthusiastic and gung-ho. Just like any fresh hire.

Just like any senior staff. Makes sense.

Careful not to be too gung-ho. You would have to finish the paperwork for all that work and it will pile up.

Since I choose to see Manderley first, JC now has to complete his check-up and get his standard issue gear.

Now to get to it.

Directions in case you were not paying attention.

Reading Manderley's e-mail reveals this little bit of hilarity: Seems Gunther wants a skull-gun for complete fatal saturation. Though to be fair, a projectile fired from your skull could be handy in case your arms are disabled.

This e-mail is... curious. What is up with the code-words..

How meticulous... All it needs now is Duke drawing a penis with a marker and hand so shaky that it could only be the result of player control.

The break-room is near the room with that plan so time to head in. We see Gunther and another augmented agent. Must be Anna Navarre.

Here's a conversation that has been turned into a mound of memes.

As opposed to mistakes that lead you to be captured by terrorists?

Fair point, his hands do seem large.

I agree with Gunther's choice. I prefer orange soda.

Unless somebody placed the wrong label on the machine or stocked the wrong soda cans.

Or it could be some grand conspiracy by the maintenance crew.

Next you will tell me that that the custodial staff conspires against you for leaving oil stains everywhere you go...

I will leave readers to wonder whether Gunther is overly paranoid or completely justified in this belief. Anyways, it is time to speak to presumably Anna Navarre.

Looks like she is Anna and already she comments on the sunglasses at night.

Cue the memes.

That and the lack of facial hair.

I do believe that JC does not bring up Jaime's office if he has been there already but I cannot check at the moment.

The baggy coats do make us look larger at least. Though the floor-length is a problem...

Textbook answer.

Looks like giving Gunther that knife earned JC some brownie points.

Too bad this JC's a pacifist.

Standard response.

Okay, now you may prepare to leave.

Is what I would say if it were not for the couch I placed in the way. 


He has a lot of nice things to say about an agent that cannot circumnavigate a couch.

But is fully capable of blowing it up into debris... Fair enough.

Duly noted, would not want to piss off Ms. Blows-Up-Couches.

A nearby terminal provides news bulletins about terrorists. To think back when this game was made, terrorism was not a mainstay in news.

There is also an ATM nearby.

Time to grab a quick bonus.

Hope no staff-members needed to make a withdrawal.

Hope you remember that so that JC can cash in.

Indeed, I almost pissed off Anna by blocking her into the pantry.

Now to showcase this game's reactivity, I will make JC wander into the ladies room.

Meet Shannon.

Not really, no.

You have every right to. 

Moving on, JC reaches the medical labs.

With notes on medbots.

Diagrams on augmentations.

And bodies with throwing knives. What?

I have never found these useful in any given scenario.

Behind this plant on this shelf is a Nanokey.

Next to the shelf is Jaime at his desk.

I would think he does not need to work as much with medbots.

Ah... there is that.

Imagine going through med-school, becoming a fully licensed practitioner and then, need to learn mechanical engineering.

Hey, we only pointed batons, crossbows and prods. Totally different.

Nice to see JC has actual friends in his workplace.

Introducing flashlights from your augmented eyes! Batteries not included.

I would assume there are mods to turn JC green.

Like the strength enhancement mod from the previous installment..

I guess JC is hoping for a second handout.

No luck but this introduces the idea of nano-augmentation upgrades for the player.

Augmentations do make a huge difference.

So there are two types out there. One for basic upgrading and the other adds on new augmentations for use.

I wonder if Paul had the same talk.

Now JC has an actual inquiry.

Some technobable.

I guess JC wants his privacy.

No, JC meant Google Glasses.

That would be creepy. Imagine staying up to see if JC is viewing pornographic material at night before bedtime.

This is... peculiar.

I guess bodily autonomy is waived away when you become an augmented agent?

That's quite a deflect.

I doubt JC actually meant that.

Here is some directions to Carter.

Here is a newspaper article.

And the diagram for an assault-rifle.FYI, the assault rifle is quite situational in this game.

Looks like JC has found Carter.

Look at all those supplies we cannot reach.

Looks like Carter was military.

JC even confirms it.

I wonder if JC will remember that.

Oh... looks like Carter has lost people to the NSF.

That is true. Losing loved ones is not a competition.

What did I just say, JC...?

Now for our standard gear.

The stealth pistol does less damage compared to the regular pistol but has the advantage of being a silenced weapon. So a lethal headshot would not draw as much attention though the hard part with this gun is actually doing enough damage to qualify as lethal.

Now, for a pick of a free item.

I always go with either lockpicks or multi-tools. Ammo is not necessary in this pacifist run.

Carter approves.

Now JC brings up Kaplan from the previous part, the guy who was selling ammunition and a scope.

Looks like there is some looting going on.

A thief going about looting from the armory.

Indeed a good one. Whoever it is has evaded capture for sometime.

One of the nearby rooms is for computer ops apparently and is run by Alex Jacobson. I wonder if he is in the office.

Looks like he is.

I wonder what is he looking at.

Or a fish to bait.

Constant chimes, I do not blame JC for resenting the Infolink.

Oh, so they do turn it off.

The price for being an augmented agent, I guess.

Thanks but the Infolink already revealed your name.

Of course, he would. Mission control would be terrible if they did not know the field operative's name.

I guess Paul did not put the two and two together.

I guess JC likes to be praised for doing things Paul could not do.

I wonder if he actually views JC's visual feed via the Infolink too.

I doubt there would be long range issues as long as corners were not cut with the tech or there is no actual intereference.

Here is another newspaper article.

A floorboard near a lamp in Jacobson's office is interact-able though.

Opening the trap-door reveals a false floor filled with loot.

Like a scope modification.

Which I put on the stealth pistol. A sniper pistol is always useful.

Looks like we got Gunther's login and password.

Due to having played the game so many times, I can recall Alex's login and password. How is it I can recall stuff accurately like this but not completely recall work related stuff?!

He conveniently has every person's login and password as well. This is an example of a security risk though to be fair, the IT specialist of UNATCO would be the last person you would think to be hackable from outside.

Here is another security risk: Keeping keypad codes in your e-mails.

This can lead to office supply looting.

The nanokey for the offices allow for more looting.

Now to see Manderley.

And Paul is here too.

I do hate it when you come into a meeting and it has already started so you miss the context when work is being assigned.

Hence the need for context.

Thank you for the context, Paul. Looks like JC is out to cut power supply.

I doubt it would be that easy. All the NSF terrorists use pistols.

Straight to the point.

Non-lethally, I presume?

Go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in and go in

Malkavian mod, anyone?

Non-lethally, of course.

Essentially, Paul must go in and lose the vaccine like the US Marshals. Oh wait, Malkavian Dementation is affecting my memory of this.

I hope I can restore Mark to his prior status. I lost the original save file...

Paul is a professional and a veteran so losing the vaccine would be easy... Wait, no. He is supposed to NOT lose the vaccine.

Looks like JC can finally leave Liberty Island.

Nice. Good pay for good work done.

Be nice to the people who write your paychecks. Actually, be nice in general. You never know if that person you flipped off is the guy/gal who is in charge of your accounts' department.

Reactivity! Love it though Shannon will probably dislike JC for the rest of this run.

Okay so we know we will expect Paul.

Hopefully she does not have any issues with soda and maintenance men. She is strong against sofas though so I doubt there would be any issues.

Indeed. I guess JC would need to procure more supplies.

Okay, I did use the lockpick but at least it had a bio-cell as well.

Speedboat raids like this only work with the element of surprise after all.

I am not. Reliable partner A.I was not advanced enough back in 2001.

Indeed, our powers of pacifism will be unrivalled!

Man, remember when stuff like this was not supposed to be real...?

Now, skill-points for progress!

Filben is definitely pleased that we did spare the NSF Commander.

Take it up to accounts. Which reminds me....

I finally have extra money for an extra scope.

This investment will pay off.

The game even suggests you attach the scope to the pistol.

Interestingly, you can attach the scope to the GEP gun as well. In case you want to be precise with your destruction.

That is noteworthy.

And this is the point where any non-cracked pirated copy of this game ends. The boat cannot be selected, leaving pirates stranded here.

But since I bought the Steam version, JC and his boat pilot are ready to head out.

And we head off into New York! Join me next time for more of my look into Deus Ex. This will be a long while before a new part comes up so feel free to return to your regular schedule and thank you for your patronage.

Just for your information, my old laptop where I was playing all these games on has died. As Deus Ex and Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines do not have any cloud-saving, I have to re-do them all over again. Not that I am complaining having to replay two great games without needing to screenshot all the time.

Upside is that I am making a lot of progress with Pillars. I may do a Pathfinder: Kingmaker look as well.

Also, quick opinions; 
  1. I enjoyed and fully completed FF7 Remake though I am wary of the ending and potential story;
  2. I am not interested in The Last of Us 2 (the first game did not grab me and I think I prefer other revenge stories than the one in 2);
  3. I enjoyed Doom Eternal but stopped playing it because of that Denuvo anti-cheat controversy;
  4. I had fun with X-COM Chimera Squad but hope X-COM 3 refines the stuff in Chimera Squad;
  5. I finished ATOM RPG and enjoyed it;
  6. I am trying out Enderal and enjoying it though I am on hold due to Pillars, Persona 4 Golden and work;
  7. Speaking of Golden, FREAKING FINALLY!!! I have been wanting to play this game since the original Western announcement on the Vita. I miss the quality of life improvements of Persona 5 Royal but it is a great classic; and
  8. I finished Persona 5 Royal. It is easier than vanilla but I feel that this is the definitive version to get unless you truly want to try out the vanilla game.

As for movies, I have not caught up and probably will not give opinions on films anytime soon until the pandemic can be ended safely.

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