Friday, July 19, 2019

A Look at Deus Ex - Part 1

I have been playing Deus Ex again. This time with the GMDX mod installed. While I am having a blast with Deus Ex, replaying it has made me want to share the relatively unmodded experience with curious readers. So I will update this online journal with this look at Deus Ex.

Ground rules for this playthrough:

  1. Non-lethal on normal non-combatants. That means if the person is a normal citizen, JC will not kill them. He will try to avoid killing in general but JC is not a strict pacifist;
  2. Maintain stealth. JC will avoid direct conflict to the best he can and will attempt to evade detection through any means (most likely by knocking out everyone); and
  3. Hindsight knowledge can be utilized. If I happen to recall a particular trick or secret location, I may use it if only for demonstration's sake.

With the duo in mind, it is time to begin:

Because I enjoy a challenge, I will go with Realistic. Plus it ensure that both enemies and JC will take realistic damage (a headshot being lethal etc.)

Here I have picked Computers, Lockpicking, Electronics and NOT Swimming. So no speed-runs for me. 

The readers familiar with Deus Ex will also notice a little trick I am doing here 😏.

Here we see the hand that claims the world. For the entire intro sequence, here is a link: 

We witness two men in a secret location speaking of dastardly plans. A woman walks off in the background.

A lethal plague has broken out and has gotten out of control to the point that it is causing mass panic. The poor that are unable to afford the vaccine for the plague are becoming desperate to the point of violence.

That desperation comes about from their shared fear of death. The plague seems to be wide-spread and exceedingly lethal.

Meanwhile in Paris, fighting has broken out but the better equipped soldiers seem to be winning against the poorly equipped individuals.

A lot of human lives being lost to the constant fighting.

Also, looks like someone or some group took out the Statue of Liberty.

Here we see individual members of UNATCO, the United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition.

Unfortunately, the two men mention that they have someone in place.

Here we see a strange creature of unknown origin.

Seemingly created in a lab.

A large one.

Now the secondary unit will be activating for their purposes. Seems most of their plans are coming into fruition even as the world fall to ruin. The ruin being of their own design? Most likely.

In any case, we begin on Liberty Island in New York.

JC immediately gets an Infolink transmission from Alex Jacobson. The Infolink is one of the main ways for NPCs to communicate with JC, primarily to deliver objectives and to deliver exposition when required. JC's first objective is to find Paul.

Good thing Paul starts running towards JC once the transmission ends.

This establishes that Paul was supposed to be in Hong Kong around this time.

This then establishes that Paul and JC are brothers. In case, you did not play the optional tutorial.

Looks like JC was sent here without any knowledge of the situation. All he is aware from the Infolink is that the NSF (or National Secessionist Forces) are raiding Liberty Island and shots have been fired as a result.

Looks like the NSF managed to raid something important to UNATCO. Not everyone escaped, leaving a couple of NSF men scattered throughout the island.

It would a textbook assault. Keep in mind that Liberty Island stated to be UNATCO's headquarters. This would be as though robbers were robbing an empty convenience store that is across the street from a major police station. There would be more than enough people to do so.

And there lies the complication. A hostage; one of UNATCO's own. However, Paul brings up a good point; JC, a relatively fresh rookie, is on point in securing the statue instead of Paul. To refer back to the earlier analogy, this would be like sending in a recent graduate of police school into that store rather than the fifty plus officers that are experienced in dealing with these situations. 

Credit goes to Ross of Accursed Farms for that paraphrased analogy.

Keeping the analogy going, JC's equipment is the equivalent of that same graduate being sent in with a pistol and a taser, both of which only having a single clip and cartridge respectively.

Here Paul advocates a non-lethal approach to handling the NSF in the statue. With that said, he does offer JC an additional weapon, either a crossbow, a sniper rifle or a GEP gun.

For my usual non-lethal runs here, I tend to stick with the crossbow. Here, I will pick the GEP gun instead.

By the way, GEP stands for Guided Explosive Projectile. It is also the only weapon that cannot be obtained in this level so it may be a smart idea to grab it here especially for first time players. Aside from being a rocket launcher that can take out mechs, it has other uses.

Now for some advice.

From Paul, JC gets a hint on additional information on the statue. Looks like there is an informant skulking about.

With map in storage and advice logged in, JC is ready to head out.

So JC's objectives is to reach the top of the statue while securing Agent Hermann.

Good point. No use being told to get up there and then, not knowing what to do.

Okay. Infiltrate, rescue and interrogate. Seems doable.

By the way, Deus Ex uses a grid-based system for its inventory. While it is not as extensive and elaborate as Resident Evil 4's system, it does allow creativity in arranging the items. Enough so that a creative player may be able to figure out to fit certain items in when there seems to not be enough space. As the reader can see, the GEP gun takes up a huge chunk of space in the inventory.

I wish more games used grid based inventory systems rather than a simplistic list.

But enough on that, it is time to engage in crate smashing. Emulating Gordon Freeman, JC whacks these crates for useful items.

Next, JC goes to chat with Paul. They are brothers after all so some catching up is not unwarranted.

Looks like Paul is stuck with coast patrol duty.

JC immediately asks why Paul is back in New York seeing how surprised he was that Paul was here rather than in Hong Kong.

Looks like him being sent to New York may not entirely voluntary. That or it may be somewhat voluntary based on how Paul claimed that he would not miss JC's first day.

JC immediately asks about that mission's obectives.

Paul does not acquiesce to JC's question and tells JC to head to the statue. 

Talking to Paul again causes JC to try to ask again.

Note that JC is rather business-like in his line of questioning while Paul quickly side-steps the topic with a personal question to JC.

JC tries to stay professionally inquisitive.

And Paul redirects his question by changing the topic.

Based on this conversation, Paul and JC are the world's first successfully nano-augmented individuals with Paul being the first and JC as the second.

Here is some background information on their family.

That JC finds odd. Seems he does not recall their father ever being the kind of man who would make toasts.

There goes Paul with his redirection from JC's curiosity.

Now JC is noting that their father seemed proud of their being augmented in the first place.

From this, players can tell that Paul is more emotional than JC and not as professional.

JC, on the other hand, is someone who is self-sufficient, stoic and more capable of remaining professional.

Paul remarks on JC's self-sufficiency.

Talking to the nearby UNATCO soldier causes JC to ask him about the situation.

Looks like even UNATCO is more than ready to take the NSF down, I wonder why they are not doing any- oh right, the hostage.

So how was the agent captured?

Looks like JC has his work cut out for him.

Pictured here is the rudimentary crowbar raised in front of the futuristic looking mechanized unit. 

There is no further meaning to this image, I just happened to raise the crowbar in front of the robot.

Here we see an NSF soldier walking past the corpse of a UNATCO trooper. The statue is in the distance, the primary goal out in the horizon.

But first, we need to deal with the patrols..

A quick use of a crate takes JC towards that crate. The contents are not too important but the knowledge of using crates to reach higher locations is to be relied on throughout the game.

Cigarette packs do not do much aside from harming JC. 10 puffs is all it takes to kill JC (and no, I am not joking about cigarettes killing JC).

They do have their purposes though.

Before that, it is time to deal with this guard.

A quick bonce towards his back is enough to knock him out. Looting him nets JC some ammunition and a knife.

The looting however was in this NSF terrorist's line of sight. Good thing the AI is not that smart.

A quick run to the side causes him to forget about what he saw and turn around. Leading to this...

Now to check out a trooper's corpse and this time, there is some pepper spray. Said spray is surprisingly useful in the game.

But before that, it is time to showcase what the cigarette pack is for.

JC tosses the pack near to the patrolling terrorist, drawing his attention.

Distracted, JC can then sneak behind the patrol and tap him on the back to knock him out.

A quick stroll reveals the UNATCO base. No wonder the NSF needed a hostage to survive this; it would be like two guys taking a military captain hostage in the middle of said captain's base. 

Amazingly difficult and impossible to get out unscathed.

Looks like base in under lockdown as the UNATCO trooper here states. No way in through normal means.

Since JC is working alongside these people, he asks what any co-worker may ask in such a situation,

One thing to note is how gung-ho and aggressive the troopers are.

So to get approval with the trooper, JC responds with equal amounts of gusto. Not depicted here are the choices in responses. One choice is JC advocating minimum force while the other is the above.

Hearing that response earns the trooper's approval.

Apt reply.

The result is the code to the comm van towards the back of the compound with a code familiar to Looking Glass fans.

Extra ammo is always handy in these situations.

The trooper is now offering items for sale. This introduces the player to NPCs that are willing to sell items to them. 

JC then brings up a rather important point. Why does he have surplus items to sell?

That's... not quite a good reason.

With the appropriate amount of credits, JC can select certain items to buy. There is no selling mechanics like in Human Revolution so money has to be found throughout the game.

Seeing as JC will be handling the level non-lethally despite what he said before, I pick the tranquilizer darts.

And by that, I mean bore them into leaving.

Thanks for that, trooper.

Towards the right side of the comm van, this nanokey can be found hiding in this corner.

Said key opens this hatch.

That contains a crate, or rather a former crate, with this electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) grenade inside. Useful to have.

Now to key in the code. By the way, PC users actually need to key in the code by typing in out.

I miss this way of manual input.

Inside the comm van are these tranquilizer darts and a terminal. As I do not need to use the terminal, I will ignore it for now. 

Below the desk is this datacube with the terminal's password.

Highlighted here is a candy bar. Food in this game can be used to heal JC with the healing effects improved with every new level in the Medicine skill. There is a second use for the candy bar though.

By tossing the candy bar near enough to the NSF terrorist, I am able to draw the guard's attention to the sound of the candy bar dropping on the ground. This prompts him to run directly to the source of the sound.

And more importantly, leave his back unguarded as he stands still for a moment to look at the dropped candy bar.

The result: a knocked out guard. Strategies like this will come up frequently.

Over at this container is another datacube, a prod charger and a pepper spray gun. All useful.

Though neither of the three will be of any use against that robot. In fact, only the GEP gun will have any effect on it.

The abovementioned data cube reveals the login and password for the security terminals in the Statue.

For now, we will avoid the front door and continue to explore the rest of Liberty Island. Now I will use the crossbow on this NSF terrorist.

To summarize; the crossbow can be problematic. Hitting an enemy at their center of mass does not knock the out instantly but instead causes them to run after you as they are able to determine your presence from the dart that hit them. Eventually, the tranquilizer kicks in and they flee from you before finally falling unconscious. Unless you shoot them in the head in which they start fleeing and faint shortly after.

They do act like how a normal armed person would react to a slow reacting tranquilizer dart; panic and immediately go after the shooter but panic once they realize that they are about to fall unconscious.

Still, the crossbow is a silent weapon and as long as you hit them in the head, the enemy would not be able to alert too many people.

Checking for crates is always good even if they are mildly tucked away.

As you will always want to grab the items inside.

Ahead lies are some NSF terrorists. As JC is not causing a fuss by sneaking around, he will continue to do so.

Doing so allows JC to overhear their conversation.

Why, yes. Armed occupation of a national land- oh, right. Conversation.

Looks like they are talking about someone who seems to be missing part of their face

Looks like they are talking about the hostage, Gunther. For the first-time viewer, they learn that Gunther is some kind of cyborg.

That is quite the insightful comment there. Rather wise for a terrorist.

True, a mechanically augmented soldier can perform better than the fittest men.

That is one way to look at it.

And that is the other. I do like that these conversations are present and have to be discovered by getting close but not alerting these individuals to your presence. It does show that many of the people you encounter have their own personalities and opinions on certain topics. It also makes sense that they only speak when not alerted as in their relaxed state, they will start chatting like regular folk.

Still even if they do act like regular folk, they are still hostile folk so JC will need to take them down. So he gets his pepper spray.

In order to toss it to their left. Thank goodness for synchronized turning.

Which opens both of them to bops by baton. After a conversation like that, they deserve to live if only to allow them to continue their discussion.

Ahead is a complicated scenario. Three hostiles, two normal NSF and a thug. JC may not be able to get close enough to bop them and the darts are not effective enough.

Good thing JC found these gas grenades.

Full disclosure; this took many tries if only due to the low Explosive skills translating to poor accuracy when throwing. Plus I wanted to make sure the third person was in range.

Once they were, bops were presented all around.

Past the trio is this bunker like structure.

Inside is a single NSF terrorist on patrol. Seeing as JC has a lot of room to flee, a tranquilizer dart ought to resolve this.

Once the guard is out, the bunker is free to be looted. Mounted here is a hazmat suit.

While atop this crate, reachable by ladder is a multi-tool.

The message from Alex highlights a hazard for the player who did not go through the tutorial: Sparking electricity arcs are bad for your bio-electricity.

Having no bio-electricity will prevent JC from using any of his nano-augmented abilities. And yes, that includes the flashlight.

The player could use that multi-tool to deactivate the electricity.

Or figure out the platforming trick here:
  • The button on the left raises the forklift and said forklift moves up rather slowly.
  • The movable metal crate allows the player to hop onto the lift as it moves up. 

Therefore, allowing the player to get atop the lift and hoping on top of the generator and away from the electrical arcs.

Upon reaching this area, the player is granted bonus skill points alongside the items. This kind of reward pops up frequently throughout the game which gives incentives for exploration on the player's part.

A couple of weapon mods and a bio-electric cell are a neat complement to the skill points. Not depicted here is the metal crate used to hop onto the generator in order to return to the other side.

Aside from the crate, a point of interest present are these containers of close proximity to one another with ladders on some. This is a back entrance into the Statue though going here may cause the player to bypass Gunther.

Now to creep cautiously through this area.

Because there is a NSF terrorist with an extremely dangerous weapon.

The sniper rifle. A dangerous weapon in itself and can be further improved by leveling up skills and adding weapon mods.

Now for a bunch of pictures of JC taking out NSF terrorists.

Another one bites the grass.

That one bit stone.

And a baton ought to finish this guy off.

While knocking everyone out is not quite ghosting, it does provide the benefit of resupplying and/or stockpiling ammunition and tools.

Now to show what weapon mods do. 
  • There are technically two kinds of mods; unique add-ons and improvements
  • Improvements are mods that improve general qualities of the weapon such as clip size, reload speed, accuracy etc.
  • Unique add-ons add new functions to certain weapons like adding a scope to a pistol or crossbow, adding a laser pointer to determine where the shot will hit etc.
  • While weapon skills do render certain improvements pointless (like accuracy), it is neat to be able to improve a weapon's functionality and usefulness while being able to add new features to change up the weapon's versatility. After all, you never know when you need to snipe a target  from a distance and due to not getting a sniper rifle, all you have is a pistol with a newly obtained scope mod.

Now to head to the docks. Per Alex's message, an undercover informant is present. Goes by the name, Harley Filben.

The problem are two hostile individuals present on the docks.

Nothing a good lure and prod can't fix.

The baton ought to handle the thug.

Here is a photo of a mini-crossbow. A wrist-mounted one at that.

Here is a first aid kit.

And here is the informant. Time to have a quick chat.

Considering all the people to be pacified, JC made here on time on account of succeeding in said pacification.

That is indeed the passphrase Alex for Harley.

I wonder if Harley's father is aware of the border issues with Liberty Island and the Statue of Liberty?

That is indeed the main reason for visiting Harley.

Looks like there is a condition for his aid.

Despite this, the player is still free to choose the commander's fate whether it be to kill, knock out or spare the guy.

To gain Harley's further trust, JC promises to not harm the commander. As I am primarily playing as a pacifist, I am guaranteed to not harm him.

Note that the key is useless if you have any points in Computers.

Still, even minor help is help to be thankful for.

Like with Paul, JC can engage in further dialogue with Harley.

Here is Filben justifying why he wants the NSF commander alive. He would still be alive if unconscious as well but I guess it would be proper to not knock a guy out if he surrender.

Here is JC reassuring Filben on UNATCO's proper procedure.

As bad as UNATCO? Go on.

Dialogue like this does help to emphasize JC's character at this point as someone with genuine belief in UNATCO's goals.

Here's a conspiracy theory on governments.

It is sometimes worth interacting with people after their normal dialogue has ended to get some additional flavor lines. Like Filben's line about the Statue's past as a tourist attraction.

In the shack is this lady.

Who is involved with Filben being here.

Now for some additional info.

Speedboats and diversions for stuff in a ship? I guess this raid is after something important.

I cannot think of what to add here.

Good tip on sneaking in. Also like the UNATCO trooper from before, she sells ammunition too.

Here I will pick the scarcer ammo which would be the 30.06 rounds

Looking down at the water from the pier (with the New Vision mod), the ship that woman was talking about is down below.

Now to show a little exploit I have discovered through repeated playthroughs: Normally, the player would need to pick open the lock to the ship's cargo hold or blow the door open with explosives. The lock-pick trick is risky due to the loss of oxygen and can lead to potential waste of lock-picks if you interrupt the lock-picking process.

A TNT crate could work but due to the inexplicable buoyancy of the TNT crate, it would float rather than sink.

However if you were to push the crate like you would on land, you can move it forward. 

So by pushing it down from a top-wards angle like so allows you to move it downwards into the water.

Resulting in this. A TNT crate above the locked door and JC far enough away to not take damage from the resulting explosion.

I do not know if this is intended or not but this is my go-to solution for this every time I play Deus Ex.

All it cost was time and a single bolt. Worth it.

The reward here is the contents of the ship's hold and some skill points. The latter being extremely valuable.

Plenty of weapon mods in the hold.

As a result of the low Swimming skill though, JC has taken damage to the chest due to lack of oxygen.

Now for a fun aspect of Deus Ex: Limb-based health. As shown in the diagram, each major limb has their own health values that can be depleted. Losing a limb has an effect in gameplay which I shall list out:
  • Head injury: Once health drops to 0, death.
  • Torso injury: Once health drops to 0, death.
  • Leg injury: Movement affected. Once health drops to 0, the limb is lost. Lose both limbs and JC will be left crawling his way around.
  • Arm injury: Accuracy affected. Once health drops to 0, barely any accuracy left.
I do like this aspect of Deus Ex as it does make things more interesting than a standard health bar. You could end up in an encounter where you could end up losing all your limbs but because your head and torso barely survived, you could get out alive. However, you must then consider whether to use a medkit to heal all limbs for a minute amount of health or focus on restoring a specific limb. In situations where medkits and medbots are limited, choices like this become significant and makes the game a lot more interesting.

I wish more games did limb damage properly.

Oh thanks for the pop-up, Alex. I barely noticed the small machine-gun wielding robot rolling towards me. Here's hoping I kept something useful.

Turns out I did. JC with EMP vs robot equals disabled robot.

Here is one more guard but because I am feeling brave...

Phew, glad it actually worked out.

In this small shack structure in front of the main doors to the Statue is this chest with a lock. Normally, you would think to use a lockpick to unlock it but remember that second bar for door strength?

With a TNT crate that can be found in the area, I plop it next to the chest.

And open fire. This destroys the lid while leaving the ammunition and credit chit inside safe and ready to plunder. 

Deus Ex, enabling creative solutions to save resources.

Now to start getting in.

Here's the login and password. Minus the slash key I pressed to take the screenshot.

With the login, JC has access to the cameras, doors and turrets near the front entrance.

This opens the front door and makes Filben's key completely useless.

Here is a NSF terrorist patrolling the ground floor.

Here is another patrolling the upper ground floor.

Better to take the upper floor NSF terrorist first. Since he has a vantage point, he can be alerted first and may respond.

Now, we can take him out.

Water fountains and other sources of water can be used to heal JC a little bit. They do run out but in a life or death situation, extra health points are invaluable.

The front desk has a Lightweight Attack Munition (LAM), lockpick and a datacube with the login from before. Towards the right is the latest obstacle, a laser grid.

Crossing through the laser grid activates the alarm while letting a guard hit the panel will activate it as well. However, JC needs to get past the laser grid to reach Gunther.

To not waste a LAM, I turn to a nearby vent. As Alex points out, many older buildings will have vents though I bet in real life, these vents are only small enough to fit mice.

In the second room out of the vent is a medkit, a PS20 and a datacube. The PS20 is not Sony's last console before the economic downfall of Deus Ex's setting but rather a derringer containing a single plasma bolt. That sounds good but it is situational at best. The first room only has some soy food and a locked door

The datacube itself contains someone's banking info. I guess the game's setting predicts (or reflects) people's tendency to leave important documents around. Though I imagine that reasonable people would immediately report losing something like this.

The third room is blocked off by a barricade rather than a locked door. However some box stacking ought to alleviate this issue.

Leading to these sets of rooms. In the window, Gunther is visible.

As usual, there are plenty of guards around so it would be wise to pacify them.

Here's another one.

And the other one bites the dust. Unconsciously, of course.

The last room has this one guard. So I take him out with a tranq dart.

Good thing he fell unconscious right as he reached the panel. 

Now for the problem: The terminal is facing a camera. JC would totally be seen and detected if he were to go for the terminal. However, there is a table.

Thank you, camera obscuring table!

With the door unlocked, I head in and proceed to toss my pistol over his head.

Okay, I can explain.

As the player can tell, Gunther is an extremely aggressive person.

While JC tries to coax him to leaving...

Gunther insists on fighting it out.

So if JC had a pistol, the option here is to give Gunther a pistol or tell him to simply retreat. The latter makes Gunther more irritable than usual to JC so for the sake of office camaraderie, I remove the option. So, all JC can offer is a combat knife. 

So the hulking mech will be securing the area with a knife.

It is a hilarious image to see a hulking cyborg running at fleeing terrorists with a tiny combat knife in hand,

To avoid wasting lockpicks, I hack the panel.

Remember the bank info from before?

Well, JC can access it.

And deprive some poor individual of their credits. Sadly as credits are needed at times, the player would have to engage in regular larceny to maintain their credits. All because you are law enforcement, it does not stop you from pilfering stuff to keep your supplies going.

With the lower level secured it is time to secure the upper areas.

Guards patrol this floor so it is time to pacify the floor.

Like so.

And so.

Along with that guy.

This guy.

And this guy.

Here. Alex touches on what happened to the Statue of Liberty. This also establishes other terrorist groups like Silhouette.

Now for a conversation.

Regarding the ship raid.

Good question. Why hold up in a place right next to UNATCO headquarters?

So someone going by JoJo is in charge.

Definitely as a single UNATCO rookie with nano-augs was able to take them most of them down.

Sounds like JoJo is not a smart person.

And even this guy agrees.

Like most blow-hards that cannot actually walk the talk.

Luckily, my JC is a technical pacifist. He would leave you all in comas.

I do respect representation in an organization but there has to also be considerations of competence.

I guess the NSF does need representation of all kinds. They are a national group of terrorists after all.

So I will treat them all equally with pepper spray and a baton.

Like so.

Except from the entrance the two were guarding, the other three entrances are lined with gas grenades. Grabbing the grenades may be useful in the future.

Thanks for the confirmation, Alex. Hope Gunther's grateful.

Looks like the shipment looted was plague vaccine. As the two men from the intro pointed out, there is a plague going about that is killing people so the terrorists have gotten their hands on some serious stuff.

Now to run into two more terrorists. One seems reasonable.

The other not so much.

This line does change depending on what you have done, like tripped an alarm, which is a neat thing to note.

A last stand may not be a wise idea.

That is true.

Right, the orders were to shoot on sight after all.

But a baton and a few darts ought to count.

Here is another PS20.

Looks like we are not to harm the terrorist leader.

Reaching this floor awards a lot of skill points.

And here is the NSF terrorist leader himself. Smart of him to surrender.

JC tries his hand at interrogation.

Them's fighting words.

However, JC has not been killing people and he was ordered to take the leader alive. So...

Compliant. Smart.

Direct. Sensible.

So medicine for the people?


I do not think that is part of the question. Are you changing the subject?

With that, the mission is complete. The main item to grab in this room is the augmentation canister.

Hello, assault rifle-wielding trooper.

Now to continue the interrogation.

I do not have much to so say about this but there is an interesting video on the subject:

Full credits to the above video shared goes to Ross of Accursed Farms. A good Youtube channel to watch:

That is quite a drop of self-employment.

Indeed, so?

Go on...

Especially if you attempt to side-track from the original question.

Go on.

We would indeed if the NSF are anything like the ones JC has encountered so far.

Okay, keep going. This is quite the conspiracy theory.


Okay then. Good presentation but points docked for not sticking to the main question.

That is a truer station indeed.

Also, this is the message you get if you hack an ATM machine.

This is why players should pacify the area. Not doing so causes all NSF enemies to be replaced with NSF corpses with no items to loot.

Now to meet Paul at UNATCO.

Just to sum up.

Like JC suspected.

That is interesting to note.


A good vertical slice of things to come, so to speak.

This line does change if you go full lethal. Paul did advocate a non-lethal approach after all.

Thank you.

Hope this goes well for you, Private Lloyd 

Here is the code for the comm van if Kaplan did not give JC the van code.

Got it, Alex. Time to check out the workplace.

With that blurb to remind us where we are, this seems to be a good place to end this look at Deus Ex. Join me next time as I explore UNATCO itself.

P.S: Due to a Windows update issue, my saved games for this Deus Ex and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines got wiped. So, I will go on a longer hiatus to restore my progress. May start uploading what I have done with Morrowind so far as I do so.

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