After messing around in a vampire-filled world of darkness, I figured that now would be a good time to check up on a certain crazy priest woman. Crariewan to be exact! Last time, she had convinced a man to seek redemption for past sins. What else can she do now? This particularly long look will show us!
Writer's note: Head to the bottom of the post for my thoughts on No Game, No Life: Zero/
Leave the temple ruins first, of course.
Now for a quick recap of her current quest: Providing aid to Calisca's sister.
But first, Crariewan will visit the local blacksmith to check his stock and render assistance if needed.
Now for questions.
At least the blacksmith is still around in this town.
Hmm... looks like the beginnings of a story.
Bandits to the east, ancient ruins guarded by local tribes to the west. Gilded Vale is looking less like a frontier town and more like a dying village.
The worst part is that no one gets any experience from killing bandits.
Aha! This was indeed a build up to a quest.
The guard probably enforces Raedric's authority here, based on his glance.
Here's a clue to where the wagon may have ended up.
And with that assurance to find the wagon, Crariewan proceeds to look around the smithy.
The smithy is a basic one with apprentices hard at work and racks aplenty. I will say that the art of the various places in the game look great even now.
Heading up north towards a main road, Crariewan stumbles upon a potentially violent situation.
Looks like townsfolk are angry at the miller having high prices for crops.
And it looks like the miller is armed with a crossbow or something with ranged capabilities.
Looks like the mob is calming down... for now.
As Crariewan is a benevolent person, she goes to investigate.
Looks like the miller is not the only person inside.
First, Crariewan calms the man down. After all, he is armed. With a club.
Time for Crariewan to introduce herself and mention where she is from.
Now to ask about Sweynur.
Elves vs dwarves again, eh? Tale as old as Tolkien...
Now for Trumbel's side of the story.
Here's some context to the situation.
Based on how the vegetation looked in town, it is somewhat fortunate that some grain can be milled.
However, there is something off about Trumbel's story even if Crariewan is unable to figure it out. So, she will call Trumbel's bluff if there is one.
So there IS a price hike. A selective one to boot.
Looks like there is an ulterior motive to the price hike: Preferential treatment to officials.
Now to point out an obvious fact to Trumbel; some of the people he is fleecing are the people who gather the grain for him.
Here we see that Trumbel's view on the matter is affected by his perceptions. He wants to care for his family and does not care for people who he views as layabouts who squander his efforts with unruly attitudes.
The surrounding circumstances worsen his situation and led to his current choices. On the other hand, it is still unfair of him to selectively raise prices for select individuals and it is unfair of him to judge those folks for their unruly behavior before acting on said judgement. So, Crariewan will convince him with the one thing he cares about: his family.
Judgemental as he is, Trumbel does care enough about his family to recognize the danger he has put them in. He may be right that he can hike up prices due to surrounding circumstances but being selective about said hiking up does raise issues.
With that, Crariewan has convinced Trumbel to back down on the price hikes. Here's hoping that Crariewan does not cause a food shortage with her actions.
As Trumbel mentioned, Sweynur hangs out in the Black Hound.
Now part of me wonders why I had Crariewan help the sod.
Duly noted, Aloth. Now to ask the drunk about the commotion.
That is why Crariewan trying to help the local blacksmith and a local woman in need of aid. What's your excuse?
Here is Sweynur's account of the matter. Gray vs gray morality is at work here to an extent.
On one hand, we have an unruly drunk who is angry at the miller for price hikes and profiting from the work of the farmers while on the other hand, we have the miller trying to provide for his family with selective price hikes and buttering up the local authorities.
Based on the empty mug description, looks like Crariewan got here in the nick of time.
Now it is time to give him the good news.
At least he was open to a peaceful resolution.
At least he gave the party some coppers. So he may be an unruly drunk but he is not unreasonable
With that resolved, Crariewan levels up.
Since I plan to give Crariewan a two handed weapon later, I figure it is time to get her this boost early.
Now to level up Eder as well.
Since he is the tank of the group, this talent seems important.
With that out of the way, it is time to head out of the village.
How desolate and aesthetically pleasing.
Much like older CRPGs, opening up new areas often involves going to one edge of the map and clicking on the area transition button. Doing so open up Black Meadow for the party.
Moving to the west of the map leads the party to this man.
Quite a wordy description of the man but due to the isometric views, such wordiness is needed.
Looks like this man has been in quite the scuffle.
Looks like this man is a quest-giver.
This man is apparently the rebel who seeks to right the injustice of a tyrant.
In this case, Raedric.
Interesting lore notes.
And lots of rope.
At the rate Raedric is going, there may not even be a villager left to live in the houses.
The man paints himself as an idealist.
Duly noted, Eder.
Fair point.
Now we have a name; Kolsc.
Oh right, reincarnation is a confirmed fact in this universe.
So, Kolsc would use a rather small party of adventurers to do what a band of mercenaries could not? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Since Crariewan is a benevolent individual, she states that she will consider it.
So this was one way of introducing the custom adventurer system? Cool (This is the first time I have encountered Kolsc like this since in a prior playthrough, he approached my renowned player character).
So Raedric has a wife? Keep that in mind, readers.
So Kolsc decided to beg for aid from the first people he encountered on the road? Imagine if he ran into a bunch of farmers instead of Crariewan and party.
Too bad Crariewan's weapon skill is not that great at the moment so I doubt the gods can aid her there.
And with that, Crariewan opens up the route to Raedric's keep. For future use, not right now.
Before moving on, Crariewan goes to explore this area. She comes across a spider. Nothing too dangerous.
Of course, there are more around.
Poor adventurer... His loot will come in handy at least.
Over on this side, spooky scary skeletons!
Whose bestiary experience has allowed Aloth to level up.
Now to give Aloth some fire.
Along with a talent.
Hmm... I did not know Hong Kong was situated in Eora... Yes, these tombstone epitaphs were written by Kickstarter backers and annoyingly (in terms of lore consistency), some of them are lore breaking.
Now to go check out Magran's Fork.
Looks like there is a new enemy type.
With the wisp dead, it is time to investigate this house. The loot is basic though potentially useful.
Hey, people on the road!
Hostile people apparently.
Time to rely on the usual tactic when dealing with homicidal individuals: Self-defense!
With the Goldpact Knights dead, Crariewan peruses through their belongings, finding a grimoire.
Unlike the classic D&D CRPGs which involved learning the spells from easily purchased scrolls, one learns additional spells by finding grimoires of other spellcasters and learning the spells from there. It is different but I found something appealing about obtaining knowledge from others even if it costs money.
With that, Aloth has learnt a new spell that he can use someday (if I remember).
Now to open up the route leading to the coast where Crariewan needs to go.
Before that, Crariewan goes north to explore a bit.
Where she comes across this statue of the goddess, Magran and this man.
A haggard man.
Based on the portrait, I am sure this man is not important or anything...
Hmm... I wonder if this is linked to the visions that Watcher get.
Looks like he has some words to say to us.
A goddess referred to as a whore? Interesting choice of words... Now to examine the stature.
It could be a trick of the mind. Now to study the man.
Looks like he has worn the same robe for most of his life.
Now for the staff.
Interesting... Now to remark on his choice of companions.
I guess his eye running did not take long since Crariewan is an Orlan after all.
True... though Crariewan has tried to keep to her principles. Even if she is a contradictory person at times.
Okay then. We did not get the man's name so let's ask him for it.
Especially when your name is the result of a writer mixing up a couple of words to form a legible name.
Noted. Though this would make things awkward when Crariewan needs to address the man and can only call him, 'Dirty old man with hot stick'.
Durance it is.
But I like questions...
At least Crariewan is not cracked in the head.
Hmm... Why would Crariewan appear in the flames?
Okay... so he is willing to answer some questions at least.
Is he offering to be a companion?
Seems like he is!
Looks like he has good insight. Crariewan has not even mentioned the disease she suffered nor the bîaŵac she escaped from.
So not only he is haggard but he was also disease-ridden at some point. Welcome aboard!
Onwards! We will scare women off together!
This initiates a companion quest.
Now for question time!
Gotcha. We will use the other door. Now for question 1.
Two ways?
So he needs Crariewan's Watcher abilities for a purpose yet unspoken.
So Crariewan is on trial?
Well, we can agree on one thing. This land is in dire states.
So he intends to question the solution rather than accept it? That's an interesting way to look at it.
Only through constant company does one successfully test another... especially their patience.
That is one way to put it. Lies tend to falter on close inspection. However, there is a line Crariewan ought to try.
Looks like Crariewan won this verbal bout.
Now for more questions. About Magran.
That is... not what you expect a missionary to say about their god. Or goddess.
So Magran has many aspects, eh?
Hmm... now to actually ask about aspects/
That is a lot of aspects for one god.
The aspect Durance is fixated on happens to be fire. If it is not obvious to you, reader.
That is a rather direct creation myth. God had sex with a goddess and made mankind. It lacks mystique.
Okay then...
Odd that you would speak up for the losing side but let's move on.
Crass and direct.
I guess he advocates experience over knowledge. Or something along those lines.
Interesting... though open to debate. Moving on.
You know it, Durance.
Now for questions about himself.
Good that you backed out of a line of conversation that was going nowhere.
Reminders? Interesting term usage.
Though it would be prudent to wash your robes once in every blue moon.
Now to ask about the staff/
Here is Durance's perspective on history.
Ah.. there lies the pragmatic reason for the staff.
Now to ask about why Watcher can see the symbols.
Interesting... now to ask about why Magran's mark is missing.
Just note that Durance is not his real name.
Hmm... Understood.
Now for a aspect to Durance I like and get annoyed by; after enough dialogue, Durance refuses to continue talking until you rest up. What I like is that it matches up with his character while making him more believable as a person since an actual person would get annoyed by someone constantly asking questions. What annoys me is that sometimes I want to hear more about him but he cuts me off until we rest up. Nevertheless it is a nice touch despite my annoyance.
Looks like a lot of wolves have turned up. With Durance by our side, nothing could go wrong!
...And Crariewan is unconcious again...
Looks like someone else was on Magran's Fork.
Ah... he seems normal.
That is probably for the best.
Uh oh... That cannot be good.
More wolves. Good thing we can engage all of them.
Our reward? Potions!
Now to move onto Anslög's Compass and actually get to helping Calisca's sister.
Like I said before, some of the NPC stories were written by Kickstarter backers and it shows.
Crariewan and party arrives to the sight of people.
Fully armed people walking towards seemingly unarmed individuals. Make sense.
So there are monsters southeast of here? Got it.
Confirmation of monsters? Got it.
Now for questions.
Living in a world filled with actual monsters sounds like a real pain. Not only do you die from normal causes of death in medieval times, you could be mauled to death by said monsters while doing your job.
Good advice.
Cannot forget the undead.
Uh oh.
Full disclosure, my first attempt to fight off the monsters did not go so well. No one was close enough to defend the two so they died. Hence, I reloaded the save and re-positioned everyone. In universe, I will chalk it up to the party being prepared.
No reward but a good deed done at least.
Since injuries are going to build up, it would be a good time to rest by now.
More dreams of the pillars.
Now for a moment with Eder.
Crariewan's sleep grants her no reprieve now. Though it does heal her physically.
Over time, the rings will look like the black patches around a panda's eyes.
Are we bringing back the ice-bucket challenge? Life as a Watcher is tough.
Since Crariewan and party has killed a lot of Xaurips, their entry in the bestiary is now complete.
Take note of this parchment belonging to Fulvano. It may prove useful later.
A few more Xaurips here.
Now to move on for a bit.
Looks like we have found the person Calisca's sister spoke of.
Quite the description.
A lot of questions to ask Ranga so let us commence.
Aside from the monsters and high tide, this place does seem a lot better than Gilded Vale. Any plots of land for sale?
Crariewan is but there are more questions to ask.
Hmm. I did not know one could tame Xaurips.
Now to get to the task at hand.
She did and we probably have it mixed up with our own coin.
Nice of her to let us keep the money at least.
Aww... now he is sad and scared.
Free aid and extra rewards? What's not to love?
With how quickly enemies rush to engage us, I am not surprised.
Before that, it is time to sell off our junk.
I almost forgot about the letter looted off the mercenaries that attacked us. Might as well read it.
Looks like those people were up to no good.
Now to investigate this sea cave.
Where we encounter a lot of sporelings.
The party got lucky here since the party only drew the attention of the sporelings rather than the big one.
Now to collect some dank spores. Heh... Dank.
Now to kill the actual dank one.
These spores have a nasty habit of confusing party members.
And the reward for killing the spores? Not much... for now.
Now to check around the place for that tribe.
But first, a parchment from Fulvano.
And another.
No Xaurips but we found some Guls instead.
That is a lot of Guls to deal with.
Another parchment of Fulvano.
There's that Xaurip tribe!
And they are dead...
Here is me adjusting the party formation.
Now to deliver the good news.
And scree to you too.
How sweet.
Potions are always nice.
Good thing we went to that cave early then,
Hope the fumes do not do anything too dangerous or induce narcolepsy.
Now we wait.
With a fade-out.
That sounds like a nice potion effect.
But wait a minute, this does not sound like a cure for Hollowborn babies.
Ah... there lies the issue: The problem here is that there is no cure to the Hollowborn. All Ranga can provide is midwife cures to keep the mother healthy and stable.
The problem here is that Crariewan practices honesty due to her ties to the Eothasian faith. So lying goes against her beliefs even if the other part practiced by Eothasian faith is benevolence.
The sad thing is that Ranga knows people will still come to her even when she does not want to lie about her cures. The circumstances and Raedric's laws have forced her into this position as she protests against it.
With that, the party parts ways with Ranga and returns to Aufra.
Looks like nothing has changed even though we have been away for quite a bit.
Now to turn in the potion.
On one hand, it would be kind to Aufra to let her think that the potion would work and at least it would make her healthy. She would be able to live normally and happily until her pregnancy is due. Plus if the child is born normally, that happiness wo.
On the other hand, it would be wrong to mislead her into believing that the cure exists and works. Worse still if the baby is born Hollowborn, the lie would cause her even more despair and worse she may even blame herself for it. In addition, Aufra may end up telling people about a cure that does not work which causes more problems for Ranga and her Xaurip assistant.
With all that in mind, Crariewan tells her the truth. Aufra deserves to know. All Crariewan can do is offer words of comfort.
Little help those words would be to a woman who may give birth to a soulless baby and be executed for it.
Now for the party's rewards. If only we could do more to make it feel deserved.
Even if Crariewan no longer believes in gods, she'd probably pray too. For Aufra's sake...
With that done, this seems like a good place to stop this look at Pillars of Eternity. Next time, Crariewan will attempt to resolve the blacksmith's quest and explore around some more.
EDIT: On an unrelated note, here are my thoughts on No Game, No Life: Zero. I am unable to articulate enough to explain my thoughts on the film in a full post so let me use this side note to articulate what I can here. One thing to note is that I am familiar with the anime that adapts the original work where the film comes from.
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Full credit to ODEX Private Limited and GSC for the picture with link to actual picture: |
The film was an engaging and entertaining watch with great visuals, great soundtracks, great voice-work, a captivating story, engaging and like-able characters whose plights and stories you want to see to their conclusion, and a satisfying conclusion that may move those invested in the story. Due to my familiarity with the original work, I was moved at times due to the voice-work and depicted moments in the film with my eyes watering at times.
The only issues I can find is that some moments feel somewhat rushed and some of the comedy goes against the bleak tone set by the film. On the other hand, I can easily counter the issues I had by noting how the film is adapting an entire light novel volume and that the comedy brings about much needed levity in a rather dark film.
Overall, I recommend watching the film especially if you are a fan of the original works and the anime adaptation. If the reader happens to be a first time viewer, it may at least be an entertaining watch. I would go into more detail for my favorite moments but that would be spoiling some of the better parts of the film which I feel should be watched without knowledge.
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