With all of my recent posts being about Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines, regular readers may be wondering what happened to my postings on anime and movies. As for new readers, I also do make posts about anime and movies at times. A while ago, I made some postings on the new Digimon movies expressing my thoughts on them. Due to a busy schedule and waning interest after watching the previous installments, I did not pay much attention to the release dates so I almost forgot about this one. Whoops.
Like before I will primarily use the Japanese names of the characters but may slip up from time to time in order to use the English names (plus some of the English names sound more fitting).
Anyways, here are my rather fresh thoughts on Digimon Adventure tri. 3: Kohuhaku along with what makes or breaks this film:
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https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/images/anime/8/79511l.jpg |
What makes it:
The serious tone. While I have criticized the angst of the previous film, this time I can praise it. With Meicoomon's murder of Leomon in the previous film and the events going on in this film along with the repercussions of said events, the serious dramatic tone that this film uses now feel appropriate. The teens are now aware of the increasing danger to their world and the presence of a virus that shifts Digimon behavior which results in them finally acknowledging the severity of what they are facing.
- Refreshingly, Tai is no longer being overly angst ridden and acts more like a person than in previous instalments. He is still worried about the situation and is aware of the consequences but this time, he does not need to be dramatic about it and is able to confront the problems they face like his old self. There is even a nice call back to his original outfit.
- Koshiro's more colder and obsessed approach to solving the issue feels natural here due to the escalation of the situation. While he was harsh towards Meiko when interrogating her about the virus, the harshness is sensible as the infection could affect their trusted partners. At the end, he shifts to a more optimism-filled approach which is healthier for the character (though he may need to fix his Oolong Tea addiction before the inevitable epilogue).
The Digimon were a highlight to me in this particular film. While their interaction with their human partners are as adorable as ever, the film gives their interaction more poignant by having the virus slowly infect them as the film progresses. Unlike Takeru, once Patamon becomes aware of his own infection, he does the smart thing and warns the other Digimon about it while telling them to keep it a secret from the others as Takeru would want.
- The way they interacted with their partners after learning such a fact is reminiscent of people who are spending their last days with loved ones as they ask about their partners' lives and futures (or in Agumon's case, confessing the truth to Taichi). Doing so builds up the tragedy when the Digimon finally lose their minds to the virus and eventually once fragments of their minds are restored, trap themselves in the distortion once the Digital World reboots itself. I am mature enough to admit that I felt a twinge of sadness during that part.
- Overall, I thought the Digimon were the highlights of this film and that the viewer would probably be more invested in them.
The battles (or rather battle) here actually got me invested unlike previous films (where the only one that really caught my attention was Alphamon vs Omegamon). It helps that I got invested in the Digimon's situation as they struggle against the ever-progressing infection.
- Meicoomon's evolved form being able to take on almost all the champion forms was nothing special to me (I presume this is Diaboromon all over again where Meicoomon evolved to a Mega level of sorts) but what I did pay attention to was the Digimon turning on each other as the infection took hold. As per the norm, the uninfected Digimon are unwilling to hurt the infected but as a result, the infected are free to attack. Greymon evolving into MetalGreymon was nice for me since I have always been a huge fan of the Greymon line and it made sense in a tactical manner (MetalGreymon is an Ultimate unlike the rest who are just champions). I do question why Agumon did not evolve into WarGreymon to handle Meicoomon though.
- The animation here is alright.The animation was more fluid during the clashing and the models were not as off-model when compared to fights in previous films. As a whole, it was alright. Nothing great but getting a pass at least.
What breaks it:
The human characters here feel weaker and less memorable. While Taichi has improved from being filled with angst, the downside is that there is less focus since screen-time is dedicated to each of the characters rather than dedicating time for the featured characters, Takeru and Koshiro. As a result, the film feels unfocused when it came to handling the stories and developments of the human characters.
- With Takeru, there is a good attempt at characterisation as he breaks down over the realisation that Patamon is infected, calling back to his established trauma from Patamon's first death. While I was peeved that he decided to not warn anyone about this, the film did find a way to add it to his character when Meiko finally confesses about knowing more about Meicoomon, Takeru is able to remain calm and understand why she maintained her secrecy.
- With Koshiro, it is not as well done. While there is a shift to how he approaches the problem, the change is not as visible and feels more like an informed attribute rather than actual change. There is a slight difference as the last part of the films indicate and his bond with Tentomon was well established.
The lack of any proper 02 revelation. This particular aspect of the films is bugging me even more now since this is the third film but there is still little mention of them. All that is done is a token attempt to investigate Ken Ichijouji that only takes up a couple of minutes before this plot point is ignored once more. After the previous film, I got the impression that this film is the one that goes into detail about what happened to the 02 crew but again, the film does not delve into the matter.
- Fans invested in 02 will probably find this lack of acknowledgement to be frustrating as a result. Personally, I am getting annoyed by the lack of acknowledgement at this point and hope that the next film actually addresses this issue. Even if the reader dislikes 02 (I personally care nothing for it so I neither like nor dislike it), continuity should be acknowledged at least.
Compared to the previous two films, I actually liked this film. There are a lot of good parts here with not as many glaring flaws as before.
Thoughts (Spoiler-filled):
- Looks like Meicoomon is acting a lot like Diaboromon (or rather Keramon/Infermon) by disrupting electronics. Good on the pilots for making a successful emergency landing.
- Looks like the teacher (Daigo) is not complicit with that lady's (Maki) secret plans for Meicoomon.
- Nice to see that the effects of the previous episode is still on the minds of our protagonists. Betrayal and abandonment are not easy things to brush off.
- I always figured Meicoomon to be a Virus-type Digimon seeing how she reminds me of Guilmon. Hence, her turning evil was not as surprising to me.
- That is a rather depressing start.
- Now to finally get back to addressing the elephant in the room: What did happen to the 02 team? One other thing: Darn it, Ken! Stop putting on shades if it makes you turn evil!
- Also, some ship teasing because Takari shippers, still mourning over the ship not succeeding, needs more salt in their wounds.
- And now a reminder that the best characters of the show are still here. I like how Agumon is the only Digimon unaware of how inappropriate Tentomon was being when he brought up Meicoomon.
- Looks like there is some sort of super virus altering Digimon behaviour out there. Perhaps a derivative of D-Reaper that is attempting to assimilate rather than destroy?
- I know I have stated my opposition against dark, angst-ridden moods (especially from Taichi) that appear for no apparent reason but here, it makes sense that everyone would be down, cynical and moodier. The DigiDestined took a serious blow and watched someone's fellow Digimon turn evil before it killed a known ally of theirs. They are now aware of the gravity of the situation and have become more serious (unlike the previous parts where Taichi needlessly became filled with angst).
- Yamato... do you have something to tell Taichi? That whole "darkness" aspect of the prophecy is making me think that the darkness they must delve into is the darkness of adult life.
- Looks like there is a dead zone in that airport... Way to enhance my own fears of flying there, movie...
- Ah... one cannot trust anything Maki says here with her implied hidden agenda in mind. Also, the movie managed to remember to portray Daigo as an unwilling participant in Maki's plans.
- Whoa... a lot of those kids are missing...
- Things sure are depressing for the DigiDestined... Meiko becoming a hikikomori and Koshiro overworking himself... It is not helped by all that rain.
- Team Sora to Meiko! With a decent call-back to Taichi's blunder with SkullGreymon.
- Team Jo to Koshiro! Nice to see Jo acting like a more mature version of his past self again. After his own depression with all of his stress, it is a relief to see him back to his old self once more.
- Looks like there will be an arc for Koshiro in this film.
- Looks like the infection does occur in real time when the Digimon are in the real world. I do hope Takeru becomes genre savvy enough to warn the others about it and not do the usual 'hide dangerous condition until it is too late' shtick. Then again, the writers in 02 did not really know how to handle Takeru's behavior with the trauma of Patamon's first death in mind so maybe they will be doing something more concrete here...
- Looks like Takeru will be causing this episode's conflict. This one at least has its roots in the trauma Takeru presumably suffers from as a result of Patamon's first death.
- It's like Old Yeller all over again... This will not be easy...
- Damn it, Takeru! Hiding such important situations from people never ends well in any situation in fiction!
- Looks like Sora's being established as the team's mother of sorts. Perhaps this is building up to her own arc in the future?
- A threat issued by an antagonist. Government agents tailing the Digmon. Hikari being possessed by something again. What else could happen?
- Ah... Nice to see Patamon is taking the more reasonable approach and actually telling his fellow Digimon about his infection.
- Hikari is giving out more exposition... Whoa, I'm so surprised.../s
- Quantum physics and multiverses! Too bad I am an amateur when it comes to quantum physics so I cannot comment on the veracity of what they are saying!
- Once again, Maki is presenting a solution, reboot, but remember, she has a hidden agenda too. Also, Homeostasis is a god? I always imagined the god of the Digital World to have a more unique name like Yggdrasil or something.
- Aw... the Digimon are treating their time together as their last day before things go wrong.
- Let battle be joined! All Champions (and Ultimate for Gatomon) converge!
- Called it! I knew Meicoomon was the source of the virus.
- That is heart-breaking to watch. The animation was acceptable in this film but it is sad to watch the Digimon turn on each other as the virus progressed within each of them.
- HerculesKabuterimon! Though I have to wonder what did form of darkness did Koshiro confront to allow for such an evolution...
- When did MetalGreymon become WarGraymon?
- I felt a twinge of sadness there. Watching the Digimon seemingly regain enough of their minds to allow HerculesKabuterimon to shove them back into the distortion for the reboot is quite heartbreaking for anyone who grew up watching them. Well done there movie.
- The inevitable skip of time takes place and despite what Maki says, the DigiDestined may not be able to completely forget their Digimon partners.
- I was right. Time for a new Digimon Adventure! In the Digital World!
- After a confession from Meiko to Takeru. While it is a little sad, I do appreciate how Meiko still bears guilt over what happened since she acknowledges that she should have warned them about Meicoomon's origins and special abilities rather than brushing it off.
- Now to open the Gate and perform equivalent - Oh wait, wrong show. It is nice to see the crests again though I have to wonder where Maki obtained a D3. A black one... The kind Ken used.
- Good to see the Digital World again even though it is just the foliage at the moment. Based on how they feel something seems off, I suspect the reboot may have added something to the world.
- Alphamon is back! Fighting a Digimon I do not recognize (Jesmon, a fellow Royal Knight according to the wiki). Nice that Koshiro recognises that something is wrong since the two are still at full power despite the reboot resetting the Digital World.
- And we have... amnesia!
- Okay, that was a nice call back to the first episode of Digimon Adventure. This time it is the humans who know that the Digimon are their partners but the Digimon do not. An inversion of positions from that first episode where it was the Digimon who knew who their human partners were but the humans did not.
- Kudos to the writers for doing this. I do hope that the memory recovery is gradual rather than immediate. It would be interesting to watch as the humans make new memories with their partners during the recovery before the old ones return and allow for the aforesaid memories to merge with those old ones.
- I knew Maki's hidden agenda would pop up again and phew, Ken did not turn evil. Instead, Gennai's (or a program resembling Gennai) involved?! Why am I getting the feeling that the real villains are attempting to reshape the Digital World to suit whatever plans they come up with?
- Looks like Tai decides to be honest about knowing them before this and Meicoomon survived the reboot. I guess the virus will return in some form again (most likely as part of Maki and this Gennai's plan).